Luke 10.25

Bit of a Bukowski love in this week.

I have written a blog for Under the Fable, fawning over the great man. It can be found here.

And here’s a bukowski-esque piece by me. All based on (sadly) true events.

To the elderly lady

Who stood in the middle of the road

Waving at each car

That passed her by

Hoping to be noticed

In her NHS gown

I am so sorry

Nobody stopped

And waved

Or maybe



At 3pm

On a Thursday afternoon

A lady closer to one hundred

Than most

Was all alone

Waving frantically

On a busy main road

I am so sorry

That no one cared for you

I hope you found

Whatever you were looking for

But as I sped past

It was hard to tell

All I could see

Was the beautiful sun

And the face of my daughter

Reflected in the mirror

As she slept soundly

And dreamt of the stars

And the meaning of life.